Agency in complexity

It is a space for knowledge sharing, education and a platform for issues that promote, support and implement independent thinking and action in dealing with complexity.

First and foremost, it is about recognising the problem of complexity,
now in the hands of algorithmic governmentality, as a collective
diagnosis and social challenge.
The autonomy of social forces and agency in thought and action in the
midst of complex processes is the message and mission here.
Complexity explores the question of self-organising and emergent orders
and patterns. It stands for the description of entangled assemblages
(or_ interlocking assemblages). They are complex because their
organisation involves a high degree of unpredictability.
Uncertainties and unpredictabilities are thus not meant to hinder
action, but to be incorporated in order to appropriate active agency.
But this requires a new way of seeing, a new organisation of thinking
and cooperative action.
Agency in complexity seeks to promote social and cooperative agency in
the face of complex processes. Systemic vision, agile thinking and
operational autonomy are the thematic basis for achieving agency in


matrixial systems

This is an exploratory research area on matrixialitity

Matrixial systems are those that represent the emergence of forms and patterns through embeddedness and internal relationality.

Mother-Xn is research on all kinds of mothers, answering the elementary question of the genesis and emergence of organic beings, inorganic nature and even technical objects.
Since there are as many worlds as there are operative matrices, it is a  matter of exploring the formative power of all kinds of mothers.

New methods and new knowledge are applied based on the recovery of material that has been recalled to memory for maternal research.

Rescuing the narratives of and about mothers from oblivion is the message and the mission.


Subject areas

Systemisches Sehen
Shoot your eyes and see!
chainéin, chabos, Chaos
Gähnende Leere
Wiederholung und Differenz
Iterationen, Rückkopelugnen, Rekursion
Emergenz & Autopoiesis
Kollektive Intelligenz
Relationales Denken
Kybernetik der zweiten Ordnung
Operative Epistemologie

Subject areas

Matrixiale Taxonomie

Unvollständige Menge aller Arten von Müttern

Mutter-Xn Archiv
Mutter-Pflanz, Mutter-Mensch, Mutter-Tier, Mutter-Erde, Mutter-Sprache, Mutter-X
Ökologische Nische
(Allo)mütterliche Gesellschaften



Philosophien der Komplexität

From 16/06. to 27/06/2023
University of Applied arts, Vienna


Operative Autonomie

From 13/10/2023 to 22/03/2024




Diagrammatik matrixialer Ökologie

From 26/05. to 15/07/2023
Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe


  • Matrixialität in Overview


  • Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

  • Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien





Reina Sofia, Madrid


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